Fire Department Planner [ FD Planner ] - Plan and manage your volunteer fire department schedule online.
Help Center

How do I give users access to the calendar website?
  1) Go to the USERS link on the left sidebar.
2) Under Add User, insert the requested information.
3) Select the users level of access and privilege
GENERAL- can sign up for shifts
MODERATOR- the above and can review shifts and send emails from the site
ADMIN- all of the above and can also edit all of the calendar settings.
4) A registration email will be sent to the user.

Can I assign shifts to members even though they did not register?
  Yes. The user however will not have access to the squad calendar unless they register. As an administrator you have the ability to add or remove users on the shift for whatever reason.

How do I approve or deny users a shift?
  In the REVIEW SHIFT page, they are all arranged in the order of Date, Shift, and Position.
(IE. everyone who signed up for the same date, same shift, and same position will appear together)
The symbols of a complete circle and half a circle are there to guide you. The requests for a full shift will have a complete circle. The requests for a partial shift will have half a circle.

Note: the partial shifts that are completed by another member will appear as a full circle.

Where is the Review Shift link?
  Only when people start requesting shifts will a REVIEW SHIFT option appear on the left sidebar of the administrator.

What happens after I approve someone?
  Only after approving a user will his/her name appear on the Calendar for every user to see.
If you approved a full shift or complete partial shift, no signup option will appear for the same date, shift, and position.
If you approved a partial shift, a signup option will appear for other people to sign up.

What happens to the members, that share the same date, shift, and position, who I didn’t approve but didn’t reject?
  Everyone else who shared the same date, same shift, and same position, his/her position will step down one automatically (IE. position 1 to position 2), until there are no more positions left (the shift is filled), in which they will be deleted automatically or when you deny them individually yourself.

How do I take my squad Out Of Service (OOS) or back into service?
  In the Calendar page, you can take shifts or days Out Of Service by clicking on the button next to the day or shift. You can come back into service by clicking the button.

How do I delete someone from his/her shift that is also recurring consecutive shifts?
  On the Calendar page, click member's name where they are working. In the dialog that appears, click the 'Remove Member from Shift' button and follow the screens.

How do I post comments on the calendar?
  Click on the speech button () next to each shift and follow the directions.

What are Member Privileges?
  Member privileges allow an administrator to effectively determine what positions a user may request to sign up. On the member side, they will not have that position as an option. This can be applied either toward new members who may not be able to drive or to shifts that require at least one experienced member. The new member would not be able to sign up for these positions.

What are the differences between an Administrator, Moderator, General Member, and Observer?
  Administrator: Full Calendar Functionality (can assign shifts, can be assigned shifts, can review requests) + "Administrative Tools" (Add/Edit Members, Add/Edit Member Privileges, Member Statistics, Email Members, Website Tools, Post Notices, Squad Settings, Setup Schedule, Setup Details)

Moderator: Full Calendar Functionality (can assign shifts, can be assigned shifts, can review requests)

General Member: Can only manage their own shifts (can request shifts, can be assigned shifts, can't assign shifts, can't review requests)

Observer: Can only view calendar (can't request shifts, can't be assigned shifts, can't assign shifts, can't review requests)

I have more questions…
  Please feel free to visit our contact page and email the appropriate department.

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